Smart Trading
Use Anny smart trading features to help you separate your emotions, manage risks and never miss a profitable trade.
Smart portfolios
Use your diamond hands to manage your friends & family's crypto investments like a pro and keep them up-to-date with the latest trends.
Whether you’re an experienced trader or a beginner, our bots help you monitor the market and automate your trades.
Asset management
Manage the whole customer experience with Anny: payment collection, member management and support tools.
Copy trading
Experience innovation, profitability, and recognition for your trading skills. Join us and discover the incredible advantages in Anny's copy trading.
Signal groups
With Anny, communities gather to create trades based on a common algorithm and strategy, but each trader has the freedom to chose their risk exposure and trade in their own way.
TradingView Integration
Distribute the output of your pine script algorithms to your online community. Integrate trading view webhooks with Anny and automate entry and exit signals.
API integration
Use Anny REST API's to distribute the signals to your community members for automated investment, position management and exit strategies.